

As the world turned upside down from the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Moravian community stepped up to "Protect the Pack." Since the spring of 2020 the faculty and staff at 摩拉维亚的大学 have worked tirelessly to deliver the Moravian experience to all of our students, 无论是在教室里还是在教室外. 在疫情继续蔓延的同时, Moravian (on both our Bethlehem and Lancaster campuses) will stay current with guidance from the CDC and our partners in the community.


波胆app官网宣布向a 掩码可选策略 as of March 2022 based on guidance from the CDC, PA Department of 健康, and St. 卢克大学健康网络.

Please be aware of the following exceptions where masking is required:

  • 摩拉维亚的大学 Campus 健康 Center (or any medical office or clinical fieldwork site) if you are having symptoms of respiratory illness, 包括咳嗽, 交通拥堵, 发烧或感觉发烧, 乏力, 流鼻涕或鼻塞, 身体疼痛, 头疼, 呕吐, 腹泻, 味觉或嗅觉的改变或丧失.
  • COVID诊断后, 再加五天, 一旦返回的条件得到满足, 这是, general improvement of symptoms and remaining fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.


  • Have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 regardless of vaccination status.
  • 是否有呼吸道疾病的症状.

For those concerned about their health, making sure you stay up to date with the 推荐的免疫接种 you and wearing a high-quality (non-cloth) mask will provide the greatest protection against infection.  

摩拉维亚的大学 will continue to support all members of our community who choose to wear a mask. 


Moravian will continue to review recommendations from the CDC, PA卫生部, and the American College 健康 Association regarding COVID-19 protocols for colleges and universities. Updates will be communicated to the campus community as necessary.

COVID检测呈阳性的学生将被问及, as those who are ill with other respiratory viruses are, 对self-isolate, 远离课堂和公共场所, and get meals to go (wearing a high-quality surgical mask while around others) until symptoms are improving overall and they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications (Tylenol, 布洛芬/艾德维尔).

Once criteria are met to return to class and activities, all are asked to take additional precautions by wearing a high-quality surgical mask for five additional days.

Please note that these general guidelines will have exemptions for immunocompromised individuals and healthcare workers. 大学社区, students with field experiences in healthcare must follow the policies of the institution they visit.

Students living on campus who are diagnosed with Covid and have a roommate are encouraged to go home for their isolation. If unable to go home, they may isolate in place if their roommate agrees to this plan. Students should consult with and follow all directions of the 健康 Center staff regarding when to end their isolation. The student can wear a mask to go to dining to get their meals to-go. 任何一个室友, who would therefore be considered a known COVID-19 contact, 是否被鼓励在他人面前戴口罩. 

If the sick student is unable to go home and the roommate does NOT agree to share the space, 学生可以要求校内隔离宿舍. A very limited number of spaces are available for on-campus isolation.

Athletes should continue to follow the protocols mandated by the NCAA and Landmark Conference. Coaches and athletic department leadership will continue to communicate expectations.

If you need a COVID test when the 健康 Center is closed, please call Campus 安全 (610) 861-1421. A limited number of free tests donated by PA卫生部 are available. IF YOU THINK YOU MAY HAVE COVID, DO NOT COME TO MUPD WITHOUT CALLING FIRST.


3月1日, 2024, the CDC updated its guidelines to consolidate COVID-19 with other respiratory viruses (like influenza and RSV).



Stay home and away from others (including people you live with who are not sick) if you have respiratory virus symptoms that aren't better explained by another cause. These symptoms can include fever, chills, 乏力, cough, runny nose, and 头疼.

You can go back to your normal activities when, 至少24小时, 都是对的: 

  • 你的症状总体上在好转,而且
  • You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication).

当你恢复正常活动的时候, 在接下来的五天里采取额外的预防措施, 比如戴上高质量的口罩. Please remember that you may still be able to spread the virus that made you sick, 即使你感觉好多了. 在这个时候,你的传染性可能会降低, depending on factors like how long or how sick you were.

If you develop a fever or you start to feel worse after you have gone back to normal activities, 呆在家里,远离别人,直到, 至少24小时, 都是对的: 

  • 你的症状正在好转,而且
  • You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication).


Talk to a healthcare provider if you have questions about your symptoms or when to end self-isolation.

Screening testing of asymptomatic people without known exposures is no longer recommended in most community settings.

Note that physical distance is just one component of protecting  yourself and others. 在评估需要保持物理距离时, it is important to consider the risk in a particular setting, including local COVID-19 Community Levels and the important role of ventilation.