
Office of 的 总统

Grigsby in his office

Office of 的 总统

联系 的 总统's Office

布来安L. 格雷斯比90年
Colonial Hall, Room 201

Colonial Hall, Room 201

Administrative Support Assistant
610-861-1340 cunards@cgratuit.net
Colonial Hall, Room 201

布莱恩·L. 格雷斯比90年

Quick Facts about our 总统


Since becoming 总统 in 2013, 布来安格雷斯比一直领导波胆app官网和摩拉维亚神学院追求学术机会和创新. Here are five facts you should know: 

  • 他是校友! A class of 1990 graduate, to be exact.
  • 他很有远见. 请查看 2021-2024 战略计划.
  • 他是一个革新者. In 2021 Moravian was named an Apple Distinguished School 第二次.
  • He’s really a Mac guy. 你知道吗?每个大学生都有一台MacBook Pro笔记本电脑、iPad和苹果铅笔?
  • 他是个爱狗的人. Be on 的 lookout for 的 总统’s greyhounds, Mo and Benny!
  • And he believes in community. 这就是 文化遗产日 都是波胆app官网.

总统's Biography

布来安L. 90岁的格雷斯比回到母校,于7月1日开始担任波胆app官网和摩拉维亚神学院的第16任校长, 2013. During his first year, 格雷斯比领导摩拉维亚通过了一些重要的举措,这些举措改善和发展了学术项目, 升级设备, greatly enhanced 的 technology infrastructure on campus. He also led 的 college in developing a five-year strategic plan. 7月1日, 2021年,在格雷斯比校长的领导下,波胆app官网正式过渡为波胆app官网.

格雷斯比的第一个倡议是将技术整合到课堂中,以增强学生和教师的学习体验. 他开发了一个程序,向2014年秋季入学的所有本科生发放MacBook Pro®笔记本电脑和iPad®. 该项目促进了“课堂翻转”学习模式,学生可以在课堂外访问在线讲座和资源, 允许教授花更多的时间在课堂上直接与学生交流. 学院还实施了最先进的无线网状网络,鼓励为校园内任何地方的交互式学习设计的协作知识共享环境. In 2021, Moravian was named an Apple Distinguished School 第二次. In 2023, Grigsby was named to 的 2023 Higher Education Power 100 for Pennsylvania 由市 & State PA, a list that recognizes 的 state's top education leaders.

“Building Community” was 的 的me of Grigsby's inauguration, he has been hard at work bringing this to life on campus. The college has enhanced its new-student orientation program, focusing on community, traditions, campus engagement. 它开设了一个新的跨文化发展和包容中心(现在的中心) Office for 多样性, Equity and 包容); initiated Winterfest, a festival featuring games, 食物, a variety of activities for 的 campus community; and launched Hounds around 的 Grounds, which placed tables and chairs, 户外游戏, hammocks around campus.

2016年秋天, 的 college held its first 文化遗产日, during which students, 教师, 员工们聚在一起庆祝学校悠久而富有传奇色彩的历史,然后走进社区, 给2,为利哈伊山谷的27个非营利组织服务390小时.

格雷斯比越来越多地参与波胆app官网周围的社区. 他是利哈伊谷经济发展公司的董事会成员和伯利恒扶轮社的成员. 也许这种对社区的关注的高潮是摩拉维亚被命名为 Top Work Place in 的 Lehigh Valley seven out of eight years (2014-16, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021) by 叫醒电话. 此外,格雷斯比校长还获得了大型雇主领导奖.

Under Grigsby’s leadership, 通过开展实习研讨会和更严格的评估,该大学加强了实习计划. It added a number of new programs, including five-year undergraduate/graduate degrees in business, 还有一个健康科学的轨道,可以引导研究生学习运动训练, 职业治疗, 还有物理治疗. 波胆app官网的研究生课程成功地开发了一个加速学士学位后护理课程, obtained Pennsylvania Department of Education approval for an M.Ed. 特殊教育, launched a doctor of athletic training program, a master of science in athletic training, a master of science in speech-language pathology program, 和 online master of science in predictive analytics program which launched in September 2019.  在2023年春天,行为和社区健康学院宣布 three new programs would be available in 的 fall of 2023; an online Master of Social Work, a blended (live and online) Master of Arts in School Counseling, 修订后的, blended (live and online) Master of Arts in Clinical Counseling. 这些项目满足了当地对合格心理健康专业人员的需求, 区域, 和全国.

格雷斯比是私立文科教育的强烈倡导者 Chronicle of Higher Education 读书俱乐部, which examines important issues in higher education, 他是独立学院理事会(CIC)的活跃成员。. In June of 2014 he presented “College, Reinvented” at 的 national media annual conference in Washington, D.C.,由CIC和美国州立大学协会(ASSCU)主办。.

自格雷斯比到校以来,校园的筹款和资本改善也取得了重大进展. In spring of 2016, 摩拉维亚的大学 unveiled its new Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences Center featuring cutting-edge classrooms and equipment and housing a St. Luke's 健康 Network Sports Clinic, 这允许运动医学临床医生和学院研究生教育教师之间的合作. 最先进的John Makuvek草皮足球场和长曲棍球比赛将于2016年9月开始, 和 Sally Breidegam Miksiewicz Center for 健康 Sciences, housing cutting-edge labs and classrooms for 的 college's nursing, 公共卫生, informatics and undergraduate health sciences programs, opened in fall of 2017.

On 的 fundraising front, 在摩拉维亚的悠久历史中,捐赠额首次超过了1亿美元. In October of 2022, 的 campaign for 摩拉维亚的大学, 照亮道路, was officially launched.

In 的 招生 arena, 这所学院继续吸引着来自全国各地的优秀学生, as well as around 的 globe, 研究生项目不断超出他们的招生目标, as does 的 神学院.

2021年7月, 总统格雷斯比, 摩拉维亚的大学, 摩拉维亚神学院和兰开斯特神学院正式开始探索这些历史机构的结合. In 的 fall of 2022, 摩拉维亚的大学 officially opened an office 在兰开斯特神学院的校园里,为学生提供在线学位完成和研究生商业和证书课程. 除了, 大学伙伴关系办公室增加了一名全职工作人员,负责联系兰开斯特有兴趣与摩拉维亚合作的企业和组织,提供学费折扣等福利, 员工技能提升和员工获取和保留计划.

Before returning to Moravian, Grigsby从2008年到2013年担任Winchester Shenandoah University的高级副总裁和学术事务副总裁, 维吉尼亚州. 2000年至2008年, at Centenary College in Hackettstown, 新泽西, 他是英语助理教授和写作中心主任, dean of graduate and professional programs, 战略实施和专业项目副总裁, provost and chief operating officer.

在教室里, Grigsby has regularly taught courses in his fields of expertise, including composition, 乔叟, 莎士比亚, medieval and early modern literature, 和 history of medicine and disease. As a scholar, Grigsby has written a monograph, Pestilence in Medieval and Renaissance English LiteratureMisconceptions of 的 Middle Ages, a collection of essays compiled with his co-editor Stephen Harris. Both books were published by Routledge Press. He has also served as 的 general editor for 的 online journal 》,《 他还是中世纪健康与治疗研究协会的创始成员和首任主席之一. He served as an expert for 《华盛顿邮报》的一篇波胆app官网疾病与SARS的文化解释的文章,并在 莎士比亚 Magazine, 的 Writing Lab 新闻letter, 的 Modern Language Association's Teaching Medicine and Literature, 的 Connecticut ReviewEssays in Medieval Studies.

格雷斯比只得了B.A. from 摩拉维亚的大学, an M.A. from Wake Forest University, a Ph.D. from Loyola University Chicago, specializing in medieval literature, early modern literature, 和 history of medicine. In 2014, he completed Harvard University's New 总统's Program.
